President presents Tet gifts to the needy in Lao Cai

President Tran Dai Quang on January 13 visited and presented Lunar New Year (Tet) gifts to state policy beneficiaries, poor households in the northern mountainous province of Lao Cai.
President presents Tet gifts to the needy in Lao Cai ảnh 1President Tran Dai Quang meets locals in Ban Khoang commune (Photo: VNA)
Lao Cai (VNA) – President Tran Dai Quang on January 13 visited and presented Lunar New Year (Tet) gifts to state policy beneficiaries, poor households in Gia Phu commune, Bao Thang district, and Ban Khoang commune, Sa Pa district, in the northern mountainous province of Lao Cai.

Gia Phu and Ban Khoang are poor localities of which residents are from ethnic minority groups. As many as 65.4 percent of families in Ban Khoang are poor, while other 19.6 percent are living close to poverty line.

Apart from asking for support in caring for locals during the most important festival of the year, local authorities have also planned to organise a number of traditional festivals of ethnic minority groups during Tet as well as other cultural events as part of efforts to give local a happy Tet.

President Tran Dai Quang asked local government in Bao Thang and Sa Pa districts as well as Lao Cai province to pay more attention to building new-style rural areas and boosting the province’s growth in all fields.

He stressed that building a stable life for all people as well as sustainable development is important part of targets in the cause of constructing and developing a socialist country with wealth, justice, democracy, and civilisation.

The State leader requested Lao Cai to promote the internal strength, while strengthening the application of advanced technology, seeking new production models to suit its specific conditions.

He suggested that Lao Cai expand the model of fish farming, and cultivating plant varieties with high productivity to increase output and quality of farm produce.-VNA

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