As a part of the annual programme organised on thethreshold of the Lunar New Year holiday (Tet), participants visited theCu Chi Tunnel historical site, offered incense to the Hung Kinglegendary founders of Vietnam, and attended a spring-themed music show.
KimNinh Giang, an expatriate in Germany, has returned home on ten separateoccasions. She said Vietnam is in her heart no matter where she is.
Thisis the first time Dinh Kim Dung from Austria has celebrated Tet inVietnam. She said she was surprised at the warm welcome given to theexpatriates by the country’s leaders, encouraging her to go forward withplans for business in the homeland.
Luu Thanh Dung has spentmore than four decades living in France and said he always misses hishometown on New Year’s Eve. This year, seeing the lively pre-Tetatmosphere he said he was engulfed in indescribable feelings. Hisbiggest joy is simply being alive and witnessing the country’s changesand peace, especially HCM City’s preparations for the 40th anniversaryof the liberation of the South and national reunification, he added.
Amongthose returning home, many have decided to settle in Vietnam and puttheir acquired knowledge to good use and contribute to the nation’sdevelopment.
After 40 years of living in the US, Vo Van Toireturned to the homeland six years ago and is now working at theInternational University under the Vietnam National University in HCMCity. He said his life here is more meaningful than in the US, addingthat Vietnam offers a multitude of opportunities for expatriates tocontribute.
Meanwhile, Dr Nguyen Quoc Binh was resolved to buildthe city’s Biotechnology Centre when he sold all of his properties inCanada 10 years ago. The centre, where he is now the Deputy Director, iscomparable with its counterparts in Singapore and even larger than thatof Thailand, he said.
Vietnamese-Filipino Johnathan Hanh Nguyen,President of the Imex Pan-Pacific Group, said the Party and State hasclearly demonstrated that overseas Vietnamese are an indispensable partof the country through its many favourable policies. However, he saidmore specific and clear policies are needed to create conditions foroverseas Vietnamese to return to work and study.
Vietnamese-AmericanDavid Duong said Vietnamese abroad are continually proud of theircountry and look for ways to contribute to national development andconstruction.
There are approximately 4.5 million Vietnamese living and working in 103 countries and territories.
Theannual Homeland Spring programme, launched in 2008, aims to provide anopportunity for Vietnamese expatriates to celebrate Tet at home. This isthe first time the event was held in HCM City.-VNA