Of which, more than 36 trillion VND (1.55 billion USD) is from non-State budgetsources, up 18.7 percent over the previous year.
The province has also granted investment certificates for nine domestic andeight foreign direct investment projects and adjusted the additional investmentcapital for another 15 projects, with a total of 427.4 million USD.
The province is continuing to invest in 31 projects to develop synchronousinfrastructure, especially transport infrastructure connecting industrialparks, economic zones and tourism infrastructure as well as services to promotesocio-economic development in the coming years.
The total investment for these projects is estimated at 1.8 trillion VND (78.2million USD).
The provincial People's Committee also reported to the Prime Minister forconsideration and approval of the investment of three key projects on theconstruction of industrial infrastructure, ports and resort and entertainmentcomplexes to promote the development of the service industry.
The completion of investment procedures and site clearance for the constructionof key transport projects has also been accelerated by localities, includingprojects on Van Don-Mong Cai expressway, Ha Long-Cam Pha coastal road, androads connecting economic zones and industrial parks such as Ha Long-Hai Phong Expressway to Nam Tien Phong and Cai Lan industrial parks and Viet Hung industrialpark with Ha Long-Van Don Expressway.
The province has also created favourable conditions for investors to completeinvestment procedures for projects including petroleum storage in Van Don airport,petrol and oil dispensing stations, upgrading five tourism sites on Ha Long Bayto improve the tourism services.
Projects related to building technical infrastructure in industrial parks andeconomic zones have also been implemented./.