They are the first administrative units at thecommune-town level on the Vietnam-China land border line to sign the agreement.
At the signing ceremony in Dong Zhong on June20, the two sides agreed to set up friendly rapports based on the principle ofequality for mutual benefits.
They concurred to conduct cooperation exchangesin Party organisation, culture, border gate building, and border trade as wellas promoting economics and implementing projects.
Both sides were unanimous to boostawareness-raising campaigns for residents living in the shared border areas toprotect the border landmarks, to not change the flow of cross-border rivers andstreams, and to seriously implement the agreement on Vietnam-China land bordermanagement regulations and three legal documents on border protection andmanagement.
At the same time, the two sides will beenhancing coordination in cross-border crime prevention and maintenance ofborder order and security.
The diplomatic activities between Binh Lieudistrict and Fangchenghang city have been reinforced and developed over thepast time. Seven hamlets in Binh Lieu have established twin ties with fourhamlets in Fangchenggang.-VNA