Red-shanked douc langurs in Da Nang attract international visitors

The Red-shanked douc langur, an extraordinary species of animal known as the “Queen of Primates”, has gained recognition globally, not just in Vietnam. The remarkable creature is listed in the Vietnam Red Book of Endangered Species and has consistently captivated international visitors, making it a highlight of Son Tra Peninsula in the central coastal city of Da Nang.
Red-shanked douc langurs in Da Nang attract international visitors ảnh 1Red-shanked douc langurs live in individual families with only one adult male, 2-3 females, and offspring. (Photo: VNA)
Red-shanked douc langurs in Da Nang attract international visitors ảnh 2Close-up of a baby red-shanked douc langur. (Photo: VNA)
Red-shanked douc langurs in Da Nang attract international visitors ảnh 3A red-shanked douc langur jumps from tree to tree. (Photo: VNA) When a young douc langur jumps on its own, it is a sign of independence. Adult red-shanked douc langurs can jump as far as seven metres.
Red-shanked douc langurs in Da Nang attract international visitors ảnh 4A red-shanked douc langur is eating leaves. (Photo: VNA) Red-shanked douc langurs eat almost constantly, though they are not a gluttonous species. On the contrary, they are quite fussy about what they eat.
Red-shanked douc langurs in Da Nang attract international visitors ảnh 5Photographers love red-shanked douc langurs because of their colours. With time, these colours transform and become complete. Their most outstanding feature is their reddish-brown legs from knee to the foot. (Photo: VNA)

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