Reference exchange rate goes up 5 VND

The State Bank of Vietnam adjusted the reference VND/USD exchange rate up by 5 VND from the day ago at 22,263 VND/USD on March 10.
Reference exchange rate goes up 5 VND ảnh 1Illustrative photo (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – The State Bank of Vietnam adjusted the reference VND/USD exchange rate up by 5 VND from the day ago at 22,263 VND/USD on March 10.

With the current +/- 3 percent VND/USD trading band, the ceiling exchange rate is 22,930 VND per USD and the floor rate is 21,596 VND per USD.

In the opening hours, the exchange rates in some commercial banks went down sharply.

Vietcombank listed the buying rate at 22,765 VND/USD and the selling rate at 22,835 VND/USD, down 25 VND.

BIDV also set the buying rate at 22,765 VND/USD and the selling rate at 22,835 VND/USD, down 15 VND.

Meanwhile, Techcombank offered its buying rate at 22,760 VND and its selling rate at 22,860 VND, per USD, down 20 VND.-VNA

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