In the short term, flights will operate betweenVietnam and Beijing/Guangzhou (China), Tokyo (Japan), Seoul (the Republic of Korea),Taipei (Taiwan, China), Bangkok (Thailand), Singapore, Vientiane (Laos), PhnomPenh (Cambodia) and San Francisco/Los Angeles (the US).
The flights will be operated based on the guidancefrom the Ministry of Health on medical measures to prevent the spread ofCOVID-19 and ensuring safety, efficiency and smoothness, Minh said at a meetingon December 9.
He ordered the ministry to urgently issue the medicalguidance, which should be discussed with experts and businesses, for passengersentering Vietnam on regular international commercial flights.
Earlier, during a meeting with Deputy PM Vu Duc Dam,representatives from various ministries have raised the possibility of allowingarrivals who are fully vaccinated arrivals or recovered COVID-19 patients withnegative tests to self-quarantine for seven days upon entry, without the needto undergo mandatory concentrated quarantine like the current protocol.
The Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Public Securityand the Ministry of Information and Communications are told to immediatelydiscuss and publish a medical declaration software applicable to air travel tofacilitate the declaration of passengers, activities of aviation enterprises aswell as medical monitoring, control and tracing of people on entry, he said.
The Ministry of Information and Communications is required to coordinatewith the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Transport, and pressagencies to disseminate information so that people can clearly understand thepurpose and meaning of restoring regular international commercial flights aswell as ensuring safety and effectiveness in the pandemic prevention andcontrol, he said.
The Ministry of Transport will direct and guide airlinesto restore regular international commercial flights according to the approvedplan, and promptly assess and make adjustments in accordance with the realsituation, he said.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is requested to coordinatewith the Ministry of Health to reach agreements with other countries andterritories on mutual recognition of "vaccine passports",prioritising the areas where international commercial flights will be restored,he said./.