Revolution contributors’ devotion always remembered: official

Vice Chairman of the National Assembly (NA) Do Ba Ty met with war veterans and families of outstanding martyrs in Hanoi on January 23, an activity to mark 40 years since the country’s fight to defend the northern border (February 17, 1979).
Revolution contributors’ devotion always remembered: official ảnh 1Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Do Ba Ty (L) greets war veterans at the meeting in Hanoi on January 23 (Photo:

Hanoi (VNA) – Vice Chairman of the National Assembly (NA) Do Ba Ty met with war veterans and families of outstanding martyrs in Hanoi on January 23, an activity to mark 40 years since the country’s fight to defend the northern border (February 17, 1979).

He noted that during the arduous wars to safeguard the nation, more than 9 million people contributed to the revolution and 1.2 million sacrificed their lives. Over 800,000 people were injured on battlefields while hundreds of thousands of others were imprisoned or tortured by enemies or exposed to toxic chemicals.

About 120,000 women have been bestowed or posthumously bestowed with the “Vietnamese Heroic Mother” title, and thousands of persons have been honoured with the “Hero of the People’s Armed Forces” and “Hero of Labour in the resistance period” titles.

The Party, State, NA and people always keep in mind the great sacrifice and dedication of the Vietnamese Heroic Mothers, martyrs, veterans and other contributors to the national liberation, defence and development, Ty affirmed.

He spoke highly of efforts by war veterans and martyrs’ relatives to uphold the heroic tradition, strive for a better life, and continue contributing to the national construction and protection. 

Many veterans have been active and creative in production and business activities and taken the lead in emulation movements to help with local development. They have been honoured with many noble titles by the Party and State.

The Vice Chairman added over the past years, the Party and State have always paid attention to the gratitude policy and considered this one of the key tasks to help improve the material and spiritual lives of war invalids, revolution contributors and martyrs’ families.

The NA and its Standing Committee will step up monitoring the implementation of policies targeting revolution contributors. They have also asked the Government, ministries and sectors to soon complete procedures so that all contributors can benefit from these policies, Ty said.

At the meeting, he asked all-level authorities and sectors to further educate the young on patriotism, enhance the care for revolution contributors, and step up the search for and repatriation of martyrs’ remains.

The official also called on war veterans, martyrs’ families and revolution contributors to remain bright examples for younger generations to follow.-VNA

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