Ha Nam (VNA) – A working delegation from the Chamber of Commerceand Industry of Seongbuk district, Seoul city of the Republic of Korea (RoK), visitedand held a session with People’s Committee of northern Ha Nam provinceto learn about its investment environment.
Heo Jae-kap, Chairman of the chamber, said the delegation isaccompanied by 20 firms operating in apparel, pharmaceuticals, food processing,sale and information technology who are interested in investing in Vietnam,including Ha Nam which offers incentives to businesses.
Speaking highly of Ha Nam’s investment environment, especiallyits delivery on 10 commitments to investors over the past years, enterprises raisedquestions related to the supply of human resources, salary for workers,effective business sectors and incentives for foreign enterprises.
Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Tran XuanDuong affirmed that Ha Nam always partners and offers all possible support toforeign enterprises, especially those from the RoK.
At present, the province is home to nearly 200 Korean firms, hesaid, adding that it considers the RoK an important and trustworthy strategicpartner.
In order to improve investment environment,Ha Nam province has been developing commercial and service sectors, expandingindustrial parks, improving the quality of services in industrial parks, and payingattention to training and introducing high-quality human resources to meet theneeds of businesses, he said.
According to him, about 40% of secondaryschool students will switch to vocational training each year. More traineeswill be sent to the RoK for training to serve Korean firms when they return.The province also heed attracting quality workforce from nearby localities./.