Seminar explores HCM’s national liberation trip

Scientists and academics gathered in Hanoi on May 10 to seek fuller understanding of President Ho Chi Minh’s contributions to national liberation.
Scientists and academics gathered in Hanoi on May 10 to seek fuller understanding of President Ho Chi Minh’s contributions to national liberation on the occasion of the 100 th anniversary of his departure for the world outside to seek suitable ways for the country’s salvation.

Seventy-five reports presented focused on making clear historical context as well as the purpose and journey to liberate the country by Nguyen Tat Thanh – Nguyen Ai Quoc (who was later called President Ho Chi Minh).

Scientists and academics also explored the factors that had influenced Nguyen Ai Quoc in choosing a suitable course for national liberation, which was a proletarian revolution.

They discussed the popularisation of Marxism –Leninism and the role of President Ho Chi Minh in founding the Communist Party of Vietnam and building the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Academics also clarified the beloved President’s great services he devoted to the nation and the revolution movement in the world along with analy s ing theoretical and practical values of his morals, thought s and lifestyle a s well as the Party’s application of those heritages during the national construction and defence, and international integration process.

The event was jointly organised by the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, the National Politics Publishing House, the President Ho Chi Minh Relic Site and the Ho Chi Minh Museum./.

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