Hanoi (VNA) – The Singaporean Ministry of ForeignAffairs on June 7 gave explanations of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s remarksrelating to Cambodia and Vietnam at the 2019 Shangri-La Dialogue.
In his remarks at the Shangri-La Dialogue and onhis Facebook page in late May, PM Lee mentioned the so-called Vietnam’s“invasion” and “occupation” of Cambodia in 1979.
In response, the Cambodian Ministry of ForeignAffairs and International Cooperation issued a statement, saying that theSingaporean leader’s remarks are against the revival of the Cambodian peopleand show that Singapore supports the genocidal regime and wants this regime toreturn to Cambodia.
They are also an insult to the sacrifice of theVietnamese military volunteers who helped liberate Cambodia from the genocidalregime, the Cambodian ministry added.
[Vietnam comments on Singapore PM’s speech at Shangri-La Dialogue]
Meanwhile, the spokesperson of the Singaporeanministry said on this ministry’s website that: “Singapore highly values itsrelations with Cambodia and Vietnam. Notwithstanding our differences in thepast, we have always treated each other with respect and friendship. Bilateralrelations have grown in many areas, and we worked together with other SoutheastAsian countries to build a cohesive and united ASEAN.”
This statement noted: “Singapore had no sympathyfor the Khmer Rouge, and did not want to see the Khmer Rouge to return toCambodia. In 1988, ASEAN sponsored UN General Assembly resolutions condemningthe Khmer Rouge to ensure it would not be part of any eventual government inCambodia. Singapore and ASEAN were keen to provide humanitarian assistance tothe Cambodian people.”
According to the Singaporean spokesperson, PMLee wanted to emphasise that regional stability and prosperity, as well asASEAN unity, cannot be taken for granted. The current geopoliticaluncertainties make it all the more important that ASEAN countries maintainunity and cohesion, and strengthen cooperation.
The spokesperson added: “PM Lee had madereference to this history to explain how statesmanship and foresight helped toend the tragic wars that caused great suffering to the people of Indochina, andto bring about the peace and cooperation that the region enjoys today.”
This ministry noted that on June 7, its MinisterVivian Balakrishnan made separate phone calls to Vietnamese Deputy PrimeMinister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh and Cambodian Deputy PrimeMinister and Foreign Minister Prak Sokhonn.
“They agreed that notwithstanding the seriousdifferences in the past, we have taken the path of cooperation, dialogue andfriendship,” the ministry said, adding that “Singapore is committed to buildingon our good relations with Vietnam and Cambodia, and hope that they cancontinue to grow from strength to strength, based on candour and trust.”-VNA