State President Truong Tan Sang made this remark while receivingVientiane Party Committee Secretary and Mayor Soukanh Mahalat in Hanoion August 12.
The State leader said that thesuccessful results of visits by the two countries’ delegations at highand local levels have made important contributions to consolidating andstrengthening the traditional friendship, special solidarity andcomprehensive cooperation between the two Parties, two States and peopleof Vietnam and Laos .
President Sangexpressed his wish that the Hanoi - Vientiane cooperation willfurther develop in the future and the capital city of Vientiane willharvest new achievements in its development.
Hesuggested the two capital cities closely coordinate in organisingprogrammes and activities to mark the important celebrations in theVietnam - Laos relationship in 2012, including the 50 th anniversaryof the two countries’ diplomatic ties (1962-2012) and 35 years of thesigning of the Vietnam - Laos Friendship and Cooperation Treaty(1977-2012).
For his part, Soukanh Mahalat affirmedhis efforts to foster the solidarity, friendship and cooperation betweenVietnam and Laos in general and between Vientiane and Vietnameselocalities, including Hanoi in particular.
Heinformed the host of the results of his talks with Hanoi Party CommitteeSecretary Pham Quang Nghi, stressing that the two sides set outorientations for future cooperation to make the Vientiane - Hanoitwin relationship more effective and practical.
TheVientiane leader thanked Hanoi for its assistance for the Laocapital city in building cultural and educational works such as theVientiane School of Politics and Public Administration and vocationaltraining centres for Vientiane people.
Earlier,the Vientiane Mayor held talks with Hanoi Party Committee Secretary PhamQuang Nghi during which the two sides agreed to continue boosting theircomprehensive cooperation and increasing the exchange of delegations atall levels.
Hanoi will actively assist Vientiane in personnel training, economic development and Party building.
Thetwo sides will strengthen the sharing of experience in capital citymanagement and building, boost investment promotion programmes andenhance bilateral cooperation in culture, sports, tourism and health.
On the same day, the Vientiane guests were received by Chairman of Hanoi People’s Committee Nguyen The Thao./.