The Algerian President personally came to see off the Vietnamesedelegation at Houari Boumedienne airport.
Earlier in the morning of the same day, President Triet visited Ho ChiMinh Street, located on the largest East-West Highway in the capitalcity. The street has a great meaning in the history of the Algerianpeople. On this highway 56 years ago, six Algerian soldiers fired thefirst shots that sparked the armed uprising for national independence.
Also on the same day, President Triet and Algerian Prime Minister AhmedOuyahia attended the Vietnam-Algeria Business Forum, where theydiscussed the socio-economic development plans and orientations of eachcountry as well as prospects for economic, trade and investmentcooperation in the coming time. He suggested the governments, ministriesand business communities of both sides act as vanguard forces inpromoting bilateral trade, and economic and investment ties.
According to President Triet, oil and gas cooperation between Vietnamand Algeria has gained initial but important successes, opening newopportunities for Vietnamese firms to explore and exploit oil and gasnot only in Algeria but also in other African countries.
He said he believed that Vietnam and Algeria , despite theirgeographical distance, will remain intimate friends and theircooperation will be further developed to bring prosperity of bothcountries.
Before leaving Algiers , President Triet visited the VietnameseEmbassy and its staff, as well as representatives of the Vietnamesecommunity./.