Hanoi (VNA) – A national teleconference took place on December 12 to reviewoutcomes of the 10-year implemenation of the Party Central CommitteeSecretariat’s Conclusion 61 and the Prime Minister’s Decision 673 on ruraldevelopment.
Conclusion 61,issued on December 3, 2009, focuses on a project on improving the role andresponsibility of the Vietnam Farmers’ Union (VFU) in the development ofagriculture, new-style rural area building and the building of Vietnamesefarmer class for 2010-2020. Decision 673 was issued on May 10, 2011, coveringthe VFU’s direct implementation of and collaboration to run a number of rural socio-economicand cultural development programmes and projects for 2011 – 2020.
Delivering areport at the event, VFU Chairman Thao Xuan Sung said the two documents havebeen an important resources for the VFU to effectively orgaise activities for agriculturalgrowth, rural economic restruturing, human resources improvement, new-stylerural building, and poverty reduction, and better living standards amongothers.
The entire nationnow has 27,000 farmers’ househoholds whose annual incomes exceed 1 billion VND (43,207USD), with the rural poverty rate deceasing quickly to be under 3 percent thisyear.
Under Decision673, the VFU has conducted a project on overhauling the fund for supportingfarmers, which received more than 2.64 trillion VND from the government andmunicipal and provincial authorities. The fund has so far assisted 568,737households in building production and business models.
Vocational trainingand consultation for farmers, as well as communications campaigns to encouragefarmers to engage in new-style rural building were also key activities in thelast decade, Sung added.
To date, Vietnamhas 5,177 communes or 58,2 percent of its total communes gained the new-stylerural building status.
Concluding thefunction, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc said despite natural disasters anddiseases, under the Party’s leadership and the Government’s management, the VFUhas worked with ministries, sectors and local authorities to build ruralinfrastruture, boost economic development, protect the environment, and ensuresecurity and farmers’ living standards.
He said withdelight that Vietnam’s agricultural export reached over 41 billion USD thisyear, becoming one of the top nations in ASEAN in terms of farm produce.Vietnam is moving toward a safe agriculture and Vietnamese farmers boat improved knowlegde and skills, he added.
There is a needto have a new generation of farmers who can access advance science andtechnology and digitial economics, he noted.
He urged the VFUto contunue promoting the key role in agricultural development and new-stylerural building in contribution to building modern and sustainable rural areaand agricultural sector as well as to helping farmers engage in and benefitmore from the nation’s industrialisation and modernisation./.