Dien Bien (VNS/VNA) - Villagers in Tham Phang village in Muong Angdistrict of Dien Bien province are celebrating Tet during one of thecoldest winters in the region.
Belong to the Mong ethnicity, one of Vietnam’s 54 ethnic groups, locals hereusually celebrate Tet a month earlier than the rest of the country.This year, Tet came even sooner because of an extra month in a leapyear.
There are 30 days in a month in the Mong calendar with no exception.
The 361st day is the Mong’s Tet, their biggest celebration of theyear.
Banh giay (a white, flat and round glutinous rice cake) is the holiday’smust-have food. Locals typically make a lot of banh giay forceremonies and also to give families, friends and visitors to their village.
On the last day of the year, the Mong cleaned their house with a small bamboobranch while praying for health and prosperity for the household in the year tocome.
In another Tet ritual, a member of the household, who holds a roosterand a hen while he or she stands by the front door along with a shaman. Theshaman occasionally tosses a bamboo branch outside while chanting in a symbolicgesture to throw out all sadness and misfortune of the old year.
On the morning of the first day, a Mong household erects a tall tree in themiddle of the front yard. Using a rope and tree branch, they create aceremonial U-shaped gate. All members of the household then follow the eldestunder the gate, men seven times and women nine times, in a ceremony to bring goodluck.
The holiday season is also a time for the people to enjoy outdoor activities,musical performances and traditional games.-VNA