According to KawinTangsupanitch, Secretary General of the ERC, his office has proposed theapproach as part of the government’s policy on alternative energy;however, the idea currently does not attract enough attention from boththe public and private sectors due to the misconception about itseffects on the environment and the surrounding communities.
Therecent landfill fire in Samutprakan might spark public interests in theconstruction of garbage-fueled power plants. Besides, the plants, whichtake up lesser space than landfills, will be able to convert trash intousable energy through advanced trash disposal technology.
Atpresent, there are 18 of such power plants in Thailand, contributing atotal of 43 megawatts of electricity to the country’s grid, said Kawin,adding that contracts to build 16 others, with a combined capacity of109 megawatts, have recently been signed between authorities andmanufacturers.-VNA