There are about 94,000 polling stations across the country.
Ofthe 500 members to be elected to the House of Representatives, 375members are picked up from single-seat constituencies and another 125from party-list category.
The Thai Police deployed between100,000 and 180,000 staff to ensure security at polling stations and theArmy is ready to assist if required.
Besides, a ban on alcoholand beer trading and drinking was imposed from 18:00 of July 2 tomid-night of July 4 and entertainment centres are told to close earlieron July 2-3 in order to mitigate unexpected incidents.
A campaign to crack down on criminals was launched during the early election.
Apartfrom the commitment on conducting a free, transparent and equalelection in accordance with international standard, the Thai ElectionCommission invited observers from the European Union and 10 othercountries to oversee the election.
After announcing theelection’s official results, Thai parliamentarians will convene thefirst session within 30 days to elect the Speaker of the House ofRepresentatives or lower house and elect the prime minister in followingweeks.
Exit polls on July 3 showed that Thailand 's opposition party won a landslide victory over the ruling Democrat Party.
According to the exit polls of 150,000 voters by Suan DusitUniversity , the pro-Thaksin Puea Thai Party is likely to get 313 seatsof parliament against 152 seats won by the Democrat Party.
Meanwhile,exit poll released at 15:00 local time showed that Pheu Thai Party willget 299 seats, while Democrat Party will get 132 seats in Thailand'sJuly 3 general election, according to MCOT channel./.