This is the goal of the provincial Construction Department’s projectto be carried out from December 2014 to 2016 in line with the PrimeMinister’s Decision 48/2014/QD-TTg dated August 28, 2014.
The project has a total investment of 178 billion VND, of which over44 billion VND will come from the State budget, more than 50 billion VNDwill be sourced from preferential loans while the community andbeneficiary households will contribute the remaining 66 billion VND.
The “For the Poor” Fund also donates 16 billion VND to the programme.
Beneficiary households will get financial assistance in cash with theamount ranging from 12 million VND, 14 million VND and 16 million VND,depending on regions.
They are also able to apply for loans of up to 15 million VND from the Bank for Social Policies.
Since 2009, Thanh Hoa has effectively implemented Programme 167 onhousing support for poor households, which has built 32,490 houses from793 billion VND mobilised.
The province also completed a project on building flood and storm shelters benefiting 100 households.-VNA