The most beautiful green streets of Hanoi in the Autumn

In addition to common urban trees, in recent years Hanoi has also planted many new types of urban trees, improving the aesthetic value of the city's scenery.

Rows of old trees on the streets of Hanoi are familiar images for a long time. It has become the love of people, especially those who travel to places far from the city,

Various types of trees have created unique characters for each street.

For example, the ancient beauty on Phan Dinh Phung Street is created by two rows of old dracontomelon trees growing on the street.

Dracontomelon tree has a dark gray body. It is rough and tall, with a wide but sparse canopy. This tree has a taproot and can withstand rains and storms well. In addition, the tree also has edible fruits, which are used to create some special dishes of the capital.

Nacre is another common tree that can be seen in many streets of Hanoi. The row of old nacre trees in the middle of Lang Street leaves a good impression in the mind of visitors coming to Hanoi.

Nacre has a fast growth rate. This type of tree is planted in many streets, parks, and schools. The tree can withstand drought and provide shade for cooling and fresh air.

In addition to common urban trees, in recent years Hanoi has also planted many new types of urban trees, improving the aesthetic value of the city's scenery./.