Hanoi (VNA) – Three more COVID-19 patients were given the all-clear on May 18, theTreatment sub-section under the National Steering Committee for COVID-19Prevention and Control said.
The threepatients, all Vietnamese, were treated at the Central Hospital for TropicalDiseases in Hanoi.
They are nowin stable health conditions with no fever, no cough and no breathingdifficulty.
The patientswill continue to be quarantined for health monitoring for the next 14 days.
As of May 18afternoon, the total number of recovered COViD-19 patients rose to 263.
According tothe latest announcement on May 18 morning, the country had 320 cases ofCOVID-19, 180 of which were imported. May 18 is the 32nd consecutiveday Vietnam has been clear of community transmission./.