Top legislator’s Tet gifts presented to needy families in Thai Nguyen

A delegation of the National Assembly (NA)’s office on January 28 handed over Lunar New Year (Tet) gifts of NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue to social welfare beneficiaries and poor households in the northern province of Thai Nguyen.
Top legislator’s Tet gifts presented to needy families in Thai Nguyen ảnh 1At the handover ceremony (Photo: VNA)
Thai Nguyen (VNA) – A delegation of the National Assembly (NA)’s office on January 28 handed over Lunar New Year (Tet) gifts of NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue to social welfare beneficiaries and poor households in the northern province of Thai Nguyen.

The number of gifts presented amounted to 500, targeting the groups in Dinh Hoa district.

In Thai Nguyen, the authorities launched a programme for aiding the poor on Tet that raised over 34.48 billion VND (1.52 million USD). The fund has been used to finance tens of thousands of gifts for the local poor and near-poor families; as well as necessities and food for people.

Tet, the longest and most important traditional festival in Vietnam, lasts from January 31 through February 4 this year./.

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