Hanoi (VNA) – Chairwoman of the Vietnamese National Assembly Nguyen ThiKim Ngan held talks with her Cambodian counterpart Samdech Heng Samrinfollowing an official welcome ceremony for the latter in Hanoi on May 28afternoon.
At the talks,both leaders agreed on the need to step up delegation and people-to-peopleexchanges and maintain coordination in carrying out signed agreements. Theyalso highlighted the importance of regularly educating the two countries’people, especially younger generations, on the solidarity, friendship, andcomprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Cambodia.
The leadersunderlined that Vietnam and Cambodia have paid attention to fosteringcollaboration in economy, trade, and investment, reflected in bilateral tradereaching 4.7 billion USD last year, a 23.7 percent rise year-on-year.
Heng Samrin, whois on an official visit to Vietnam from May 28-30, affirmed the Cambodianlegislature’s strong support for the two governments’ efforts to connect theireconomies to strive for 5 billion USD in bilateral trade by 2020; educate youngergenerations on maintaining and promoting the bilateral fine relations;intensify people-to-people exchanges and cooperation in defence, security, counterterrorism,and information sharing; and to orientate border areas towards the building ofa peaceful, friendship, and developing border line.
He took theoccasion to thank the Vietnamese Party, State, and people for supportingCambodia in all circumstances, particularly in helping the country escape fromthe Pol Pot genocidal regime in the past and boosting national development atpresent.
Ngan, in turn,affirmed that Vietnam has long considered Cambodia’s security and defence as animportant factor in Vietnam’s own security and defence.
She asked theCambodian side to create favourable conditions for the search for andrepatriation of remains of volunteer Vietnamese soldiers and experts who laiddown their lives in Cambodia, as well as the construction, restoration, andrepair of Vietnam-Cambodia friendship monuments in the country.
The leadersexpressed their delight at the achievements gained by Vietnam and Cambodia inborder demarcation and border marker planting as 84 percent of the work hasbeen completed.
For borderlinesections that have yet to be demarcated, the top Vietnamese legislatorrequested that both sides continue discussions to seek out mutually fair andsuitable measures acceptable to both sides.
She spoke highlyof Cambodia’s close coordination in granting legal documents to VietnameseCambodians, and urged its relevant agencies and localities to soon issuespecific and clear regulations on the rights and obligations of those holding foreignregistration cards.
Regarding theresettlement of Vietnamese people in the Tonle Sap Lake, Ngan asked the Cambodian side to pay attention toensuring the lives, interests, and assets of relocated people. She affirmedthat Vietnam will join hands with Cambodia to provide support for them to soonstabilise their lives.
The NAChairwoman also stressed that Vietnam hopes to continue cooperating withCambodia in managing and using the Mekong River water source sustainably,exploiting hydropower potential on the Mekong River appropriately andeffectively, and ensuring water source and environmental safety and security.
For regionalcooperation, Ngan suggested both nations maintain close coordination inboosting cooperation initiatives suitable for their interests and those of theentire region.
She voiced herhope to receive Cambodia’s support and coordination to help Vietnam fulfil itsrole as ASEAN Chair and ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) Chair in2020, and maintain the ASEAN’s intra-bloc solidarity and central role. Nganconfirmed that Vietnam is willing to help Cambodia organise the Asia-EuropeMeeting (ASEM) Summit and the Asia-Europe Parliamentary Partnership (ASEP)Meeting next year.
Forparliamentary collaboration, she asked both legislative bodies to facilitatethe organisation of meetings of young parliamentarians and femaleparliamentarians this year.
The two leadersaffirmed to continue supporting each other in hosting internationalparliamentary meetings such as the AIPA, ASEP, Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum(APPF), and Inter-parliamentary Union (IPU).
Heng Samrin alsotook the occasion to invite his Vietnamese counterpart to pay an official visitto Cambodia at an appropriate time. The latter accepted the invitation, addingthat the visit will be arranged through the diplomatic channel.
After the talks,the leaders signed a cooperation agreement between the two legislatures andwitnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding on cooperation betweenthe Vietnamese NA Office and the Cambodian NA Secretariat.
In the eveningof the same day, Ngan hosted a banquet in honour of Heng Samrin and theCambodian delegation.–VNA