The Minh Film and Hanh Tinh Xanhcompanies invested a great deal of money to portray Kim Dong, one of thecountry's youngest heroes, in a big drama series.
The 20-partseries, Anh Hung Lang Na Ma (The Hero of Na Ma Village) focuses on KimDong's brave and clever activities as a member of the Ho Chi Minh YoungPioneer Organisation, which was founded by the Communist Party ofVietnam and President Ho Chi Minh in 1941.
Kim Dong was born in a poor family from the Nung ethnic minority group of Na Ma village in Cao Bang province.
He was the organisation's first leader when he was 12.
Hisjob was carrying messages and coded letters, and protectingrevolutionaries who work in the Viet Bac (Northernmost VietnamRevolutionary Base) during the French war.
He and his staff offour members face challenges and dangerous enemies, but finally completetheir mission. He died on duty when he was 14.
"Kim Dong is apopular icon in Vietnam's history and culture. Making a film about thehero has been one of my career's biggest challenges and my staff and Itried our best to make the film as lively as possible," said Nguyen DuyVo Ngoc, the film's director.
Ngoc spent days working withscriptwriter Song Minh to perfect the film's script. He has collectedand researched documents and books on Kim Dong, including stories toldby Na Ma's patriarchs.
"Kim Dong is not only a young hero in thehearts of the ethnic minority people but also a literary icon," hesaid. "Many songs and poems featured the hero as a son of Tay Bac regionwho shows his love for the country and its people, and fights for peacethrough poetic words."
Ngoc and his actors travelled to the TayBac region and asked the village patriarchs of Nung ethnic minoritygroup to improve their knowledge of the hero.
"My biggest challenge is how to portray the spirit of Kim Dong," said Ngoc, who worked hard on the casting of leading roles.
He said he chose schoolboy Duc Huy for playing Kim Dong because "both of his appearance and acting skills."
The film is broadcast on HTV7 channel every night, except Sunday, at 9.30pm, leaving a very strong impression on viewers.-VNA