Since 1987, Black Voices has forged its owndynamic way of distilling and re-presenting music from a Caribbean,black British perspective. Grounded in the church, the group presents acappella, both sacred and secular, in a challenging and entertainingway.
The group has an extensive repertoire, includingspirituals, traditional African, Caribbean and English folk songs, aswell as jazz, gospel, pop and reggae. They hosted and presented an acappella series on BBC Radio 2, as well as performed on radio andtelevision in numerous countries around the world.
Currently, the group operates as a professional collective, but maintains its tradition of performing as a quintet.
Black Voices describe their collection as "a carefully woven tapestrycovering a broad spectrum of musical styles" and they continually addnew threads of colour to their rich fabric of oral music.
The group has seen a few famous faces in its audiences, including NelsonMandela, the late Pope, and most of the members of the British RoyalFamily.
In celebration of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee,Black Voices' debut show in Vietnam will take place at HCM CityOpera House, 7 Lam Son Square , District 1, at 8pm.
Following the debut performance, the group will have another show in thecapital city at the Hanoi Opera House on May 21. The next day, BlackVoices will perform at an invitation-only reception hosted by theBritish Ambassador in Vietnam .
Besides these shows,the group will also deliver master classes for singers at the MusicConservatory and the Ballet, Symphony& Orchestra in HCM City aswell as at the Vietnam National Academy of Music and Vietnam NationalOpera and Ballet in Hanoi .
British Council directorRobin Rickard commented on the group's show: "There is no better way torepresent the diversity of Britain and thus celebrate the Queen'sDiamond Jubilee than through their performance."
Ticketsfor the public shows cost 150,000, 250,000, 350,000, 500,000 VND and canbe purchased at the HCM City Ballet, Symphony and Orchestra for theshow in HCM City , and at the or dial 0913489858for the show in Hanoi . Preferential prices for students areavailable at 100,000 VND.-VNA