Ambassador Giang, who is Charge d’Affaires of Vietnam’s permanentmission to the United Nations, made the statement at the 66th GeneralAssembly session’s debate on “Oceans and the Law of the Sea”.
“Inmany ways, the Convention constitutes an immense positive contributionto the promotion of international peace and security. It providesuniversally recognized legal framework for coastal states to establishand exercise rights and obligations in the maritime areas under nationaljurisdiction,” he said.
The Ambassador went on to say that theConvention advances the principle of peaceful settlement of disputes andprovides for a mandatory system to be applied by States Parties tosettle any dispute between them. The provisions of the Convention areclosely interrelated and form an integral package, thus not allowing forthe possibility of a State Party to pick what it likes and to disregardwhat it does not like. States Parties, in exercising the rights underthe Convention, must be willing to shoulder the correspondingobligations.
He underlined the common view about the enormoussignificance of sustainable use and development of the oceans and seas,with the maintenance of peace, stability and order at sea being aninseparable part thereof.
The ambassador said: “As a coastalstate with a long coastline washed by the East Sea, Vietnam is pleasedto note the continued development of regional and internationalcooperation, including in the uses and management of this sea. In thisregard, a key factor lies in the respect of the legal order establishedby the UNCLOS, to which most States surrounding the Eastern Sea areParties.
“In the Eastern Sea, there exist difficult disputesover territorial sovereignty and maritime boundaries, which if notproperly managed and settled could negatively impact regional peace,security and stability, hinder the legitimate uses of the sea and theresources therein for the developmental needs of the coastal states, aswell as other cooperative efforts for sustainable development of thesea,” Ambassador Giang said.
He affirmed Vietnam has workedtirelessly for peaceful solutions to existing disputes in accordancewith international law, including the UNCLOS, and acceptable to allparties concerned.
Through peaceful negotiations, Vietnam hassuccessfully concluded agreements on the delineation of maritimeboundaries in the Tonkin Gulf with China and in the overlappedcontinental shelf with Indonesia, and on the joint development of theoverlapped continental shelf with Malaysia and Thailand pending finalboundary delimitation, he added.
The diplomat said Vietnamcommends the adoption of the Guidelines for the implementation of the2002 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (the DOC) andthe stated commitments to working together towards the earlyfinalization of a Code of Conduct.
He affirmed Vietnam willcontinue to join efforts with interested parties, particularly ourneighboring countries, to create an environment conducive to peace,cooperation, development and ensuring the legitimate rights andinterests of all States in the Eastern Sea./.