Addressing theevent, Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan stressed that Vietnam alwayspays special attention to underprivileged children, especially thosewith disabilities.
She said Vietnam has over 1.2million disabled children, including those affected by the aftermaths ofwar, especially toxic chemicals, bombs, mines, and explosive remnants.It poses a great challenge to Vietnam in ensuring their rights andhelping them integrate into society.
As the world’ssecond nation to ratify the United Nations Convention on the Rights ofthe Child, Vietnam always upholds the basic principles of theConvention, especially those on anti-discrimination that enable childrenwith disabilities fully enjoy their rights.
TheVice President said UNICEF had worked with Vietnam even before thecountry officially joined the UN and continues to help the country atpresent by offering assistance in devising laws, institutions, andsuitable policies for children, especially those with disabilities.
As UNICEF’s most important annual publication, this year’s reporthighlights the fact that children with disabilities are not incorporatedinto policies and data, isolating them from society and socialservices.
It points out three urgent moves tohelp them enjoy their rights, including a better integrated society,which is mentioned in the Convention on Rights of Persons withDisabilities (CRPD) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).
Secondly, discrimination against disabled childrenmust be ended and families and the community should be encouraged tocare for the children instead of sending them to care centres.
Last but not least, more accurate and objective data on children withdisabilities to help decide how to distribute resources, break barriers,design and supply services while reviewing measures to ensure thatdisabled children enjoy the same benefits as their peers.
On the occasion, Vietnamese “glass-bone” girl Nguyen Phuong Anh, afinalist in the 2012 Vietnam’s Got Talent, shared her thoughts andstrong will to overcome hardships in life.
Earlier,UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake and Director General of theAustralian Agency for International Development Peter Baxter visited theDa Nang Centre for Supporting Agent Orange/Dioxin Victims and NguyenDinh Chieu Specialised School.-VNA