UNICEF:zero tolerance to violence required to better protect children

UNICEF: strengthened protection system, zero tolerance to violence required to better protect children

A strengthened protection system and zero tolerance to violence are required to better protect children, said Rana Flowers, UNICEF Representative to Vietnam in a statement released on December 29.
UNICEF: strengthened protection system, zero tolerance to violence required to better protect children ảnh 1Rana Flowers, UNICEF Representative to Vietnam (Photo: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) – A strengthened protection system and zero tolerance to violence are required to better protect children, said Rana Flowers, UNICEF Representative to Vietnam in a statement released on December 29.

In her statement, Flowers said UNICEF expressed its deep sadness and concern over the recent violent death of a young girl at the hands of someone who she should have been able to trust, to protect her. Sadly, the majority of abuse is perpetrated by someone known and trusted by the child. Shrouded in silence, alone. The rising accounts of abuse of children, even greater during COVID-19 lockdowns, signal an urgent need for a strengthened approach.

A strengthened protection system – for women and children is urgently needed in Vietnam – a system that is staffed by trained social workers, not volunteers, not non-trained welfare workers – but qualified professional staff – who can identify, intervene, respond and protect.

“Underpinned by the best interest of the child, by protection of the women– not the perpetrator –a system that works together with trained police, child-friendly judges and courts – and where a zero tolerance to violence is practice by all authorities, in all schools, across coremmunities,” she said.

“And it requires us all to do more, to take a stand to protect those made vulnerable, to raise the awareness of women and children that any form of violence is not acceptable and that reaching out for help to make it stop is essential,” Flowers continued.

She said working with sister agencies, with the support of the Governments who inspire commitment and bring expertise and funding, such as Australia, the EU and others, UNICEF supports the creation of a coordinated protection system, but for this to secure change for the people who need it most, to achieve the levels of awareness, accountability for protection across Vietnam, an injection of Government resources and a revitalised Government commitment is needed to create the kind of protection system that exists in so many countries in this region, and the world./.

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