At the ceremony, the 161st of its kind, representatives from the Vietnam Office for SeekingMissing Persons (VNOSMP) handed over the remains to the Defense POW/MIAAccounting Agency (DPAA).
The remains were found as a result of the 151st joint field activity from recovery operations, which lasts from May to July2023.
Vietnamese and US forensic specialists examined theremains and determined that the remains might belong to a US servicemembermissing in action from the war in Vietnam. The US side will transfer theremains to DPAA’s laboratory in Honolulu, Hawaii for further verification.
The joint humanitarian effort intent is to locate andidentify US servicemembers who went missing in the war in Vietnam. Thesesustained efforts have been implemented for 35 years by the two governmentssince the late 1980s. To date, 733 US servicemembers missing in action have been identified./.