In the southern coastalprovince of Phu Yen which is home to more than 18,000 Catholics andProtestants, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Dao Tan Loc andChairman of the provincial People’s Council Huynh Tan Viet on Dec. 20visited dignitaries and followers to wish them a merry Christmas.
Loc affirmed the province’s government always creates favourableconditions for parishioners to practise their religion and involve inlocal socio-cultural activities.
Meanwhile in thecentral province of Quang Nam, the provincial People’s Committee held ameeting with representatives of Christian priests, nuns and followers onthe occasion of Christmas.
During the meeting, theprovince’s leaders spoke highly of the contributions made by the churchand followers, to local development and to charity, healthcare,education and poverty reduction.
The religiousrepresentatives expressed deep gratitude towards the province’sgovernment for the socio-economic development programmes to improve theliving standards for local people.
On the same dayin the northern province of Hai Duong, the province’s leaders visitedand gave Christmas presents to local priests and parishioners.
Hai Duong’s leaders were full of praise for the role of priests, nunsand followers in implementing socio-economic targets over the past year.
They pledged to continue to support and create thebest conditions for the dignitaries and followers in their religiousactivities./.