At the event, participants exchangedviews over the wrongdoings of the Chinese marine surveillance vesselsin cutting the exploration cables of a PetroVietnam ship, which wasconducting seismic surveys within Vietnam ’s exclusive economic zone.
They agreed that China needed to strictly abideby the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Declaration onthe Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) as well as recentcommitments that China had made.
Delegates saidthe skirmishes on the East Sea cannot be resolved in a short timeand required the concerned sides to patiently settle the incidentsthrough dialogue and peaceful solutions, on the basis of mutualinterests and international law.
They added thatthe VFF and its member organisations should fulfil their informationdissemination tasks to people from all walks of life to help them obtaina sound overview on the East Sea issue and the foreign policiesof the Party and Government.
Deputy Chairman of theVFFCC Nguyen Van Pha said the participants’ ideas will be carefullyanalysed to help authorities efficiently solve the East Seaissue./.