Both sides agreed to regularlymaintain all-level visits and exchanges and strengthen cooperation in thefields of diplomacy, national defence and security while effectively upholdingthe role of the Vietnam-Mongolia Inter-Governmental Committee.
They were committed tofacilitating Vietnam’s exports of agro-fishery, processing and consumer goods,machinery and household electrical devices to Mongolia. Meanwhile, the EastAsian country could ship meat, garment materials, leather and footwear, andminerals to Vietnam and extend collaboration in animal husbandry and farmproduce processing for consumption in the two countries and export to the thirdone.
The two leaders spoke highly ofthe signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cooperation in inspectionand animal quarantine in April and vowed to actively implement a MoU on oil andgas coordination.
Vice President Thinh suggestedMongolia introduce potential oil blocks to Vietnam for joint exploitation,affirming that Vietnam is ready to help two countries’ airlines tap directflights linking Hanoi and Ulan Bator.
Mongolian PM Erdenebat askedVietnam to share its experience in developing industry and tourism to reduceunemployment rate in the country and consider joining the Inter-governmental Agreementon International Road Transport along the Asian Highway Network among Mongolia,China and Russia signed in December 2016.
The two sides underscored theneed to increase cooperation in people-to-people exchange, culture, education,arts and sports in order to raise mutual understanding and trust, as well asoffer all possible support to Vietnamese nationals in Mongolia and vice versa.
They lauded close coordination betweenthe two nations at global and regional forums such as the Asia-Europe Meeting(ASEM), the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) and the UNESCO.
The Vietnamese leader emphasisedthe necessity to maintain peace, stability, maritime and aviation freedom andsafety in the East Sea, settle disputes by peaceful means, respect diplomaticand legal process, effectively and fully implement the Declaration on theConduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) and early reach a Code of Conduct inthe East Sea (COC) in line with international law, including the 1982 UnitedNations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
Concluding the talks, host andguest witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation inpopulation, social and welfare development between the Vietnamese Ministry ofLabour, Invalids and Social Affairs and the Mongolian Ministry of Labour andSocial Protection.
Meeting Mongolian PresidentTsakhiagiin Elbegdorj, Thinh expressed her wish to keep striving to enhancepolitical trust and improve the efficiency of close joint work in regional andglobal issues of shared concern, towards developing the Vietnam-Mongolialong-standing relations.
The host agreed to maintainall-level visits and effectively implement bilateral cooperation mechanisms,and promised all possible support for the two countries’ firms to do business.
During a meeting with Speaker ofthe Mongolian Parliament and Chairman of the Mongolian People’s Party MiyegomboEnkhbold, Thinh asked for regularly maintaining visits by delegations,including top legislators and members of the parliament committees and offices aswell as friendship parliamentarians’ groups of the two nations, with an aim toshare professional experience in the legislature’s operations, bilaterally andmultilaterally.
Enkhbold wished to strengthenties between the two legislatures and hailed the upcoming visit to Mongolia by adelegation from the Vietnamese NA’s Committee for National Defence-Security.
He proposed intensifying linksacross the fields of economy, trade, investment, mining, culture, tourism andpress information, contributing to enhancing close bond and mutualunderstanding between the two peoples.
He requested the Communist Partyof Vietnam and the Mongolian People’s Party boost exchanges and shareexperience in Party building and country development.-VNA