Vice spokesperson: Chinese Foreign Minister’s upcoming visit to boost ties

Foreign Ministry’s vice spokesperson Doan Khac Viet has said the upcoming Vietnam visit by Chinese State Councillor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi aims to continue boosting the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership with Vietnam, for the benefit of the two peoples, and for peace, stability, cooperation and development in each nation, in the region and the world.
Vice spokesperson: Chinese Foreign Minister’s upcoming visit to boost ties ảnh 1Chinese State Councillor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi (Photo: Yonhap)

Hanoi (VNA) – Foreign Ministry’s vice spokesperson Doan Khac Viet has said the upcoming Vietnam visit by Chinese State Councillor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi aims to continue boosting the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership with Vietnam, for the benefit of the two peoples, and for peace, stability, cooperation and development in each nation, in the region and the world.

During the visit, Wang is scheduled to co-chair the annual 13th meeting of the Steering Committee on Vietnam – China Bilateral Cooperation together with permanent Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh, hold talks with Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son and pay courtesy calls to Vietnamese leaders, Viet said during the ministry’s regular press conference via videoconference on September 9.

According to the spokesperson, leaders and agencies concerned of the two countries will discuss measures to tackle existing problems and carry bilateral ties forward.

A focus of discussion will be on cooperation in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic, including the supply of vaccines, medical supplies and relevant issues, he said./. 


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