The Vice State Presidentapplauded the visit, which took place on the occasion of VietnamTeachers’ Day (Nov. 20), saying that it revealed the former Laostudents’ deep sentiments towards their Vietnamese teachers.
“This was also a chance for the former students to witness Vietnam ’s renewal achievements,” she added.
Doan thanked the Lao Party, State and people for their valuablesupport for Vietnam during the struggle for national independence inthe past as well as the current national construction and defence.
She said she was pleased with the fact that theformer Lao students are now holding important positions in variousfields in their country.
The former Lao students’successes are significant gifts for Vietnamese teachers, she said,adding that they also act as a bridge for strengthening the Vietnam-Laospecial friendship and comprehensive cooperation.
On behalf of the former students, Somkot Mangnomek, Party CommitteeSecretary and Mayor of Xieng Khouang province, expressed thanks to theVietnamese Party, State and people for training thousands of Laostudents, a remarkable human resource for the development of the Laocountry.
The former Lao students said they weremoved to return to Vietnam , which is considered their secondhomeland, by their unforgettable memories of Vietnamese teachers andfriends.
They affirmed that whatever positions theyhold, they would always look towards Vietnam , wherever they had livedand studied, and would try their best to foster the special friendshipand solidarity between Vietnam and Laos .
Onthe occasion, Vice State President Doan presented the Friendship Orderoffered by State President Nguyen Minh Triet to Somkot Mangnomek for hisimportant contributions to consolidating and developing Vietnam-Laosties./.