Hanoi, (VNA) –Budget airline Vietjet and the Vietnam Association for Protection of Child'sRights on November 25 announced a programme called “A cosy Tet for you 2021” tosupport disadvantaged children in rural areas.
The programme will offer scholarships and gifts to1,000 children who suffer from diseases and natural disasters and those who areof ethnic minorities in three provinces of Quang Nam, Thua Thien – Hue and NinhBinh.
Vietjet has been cooperating with the VietnamAssociation for Protection of Child's Rights for four consecutive years tobring a cosy and loving Lunar New Year (Tet) to thousands of disadvantagedchildren. Vietjet wishes to support and improve the living conditions of thosechildren, helping to nurture their dreams for the sake of Vietnam’s futuregenerations.
Apart from the “A cosy Tet for you” 2021 programme,Vietjet has also participated in several charity activities since itsestablishment, spreading the company’s culture of good life – good people tothe community. This way of living, which is inspired by Vietjet’s President& CEO Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao, has become part of the company employees’daily lives.
Over the years, the Vietjet President and Vietjetemployees have participated in many charity activities across the countriesseeking to build a better life for the people.
In 2020, Vietjet has given presents to Vietnameseveterans, families of war invalids and martyrs and children in remote areas.The airline has also operated flights bringing Vietnamese citizens home from areasaffected by the COVID-19 pandemic; offered free delivery of medical suppliesand free tickets to health workers during the fight against the pandemic, and grantedfree tickets to officers and free transport of aid supplies to flooded areas incentral Vietnam.
Every year, Vietjet contributes a part of itsrevenue to the company’s charity fund. The airline believes that not only itsbusiness operations but its charity activities, especially those concerningchildren and young people who are the future of the country as well asvulnerable people in the society, will ultimately help build a bettercommunity.
The new-age carrier Vietjet has not only revolutionised the aviationindustry in Vietnam but also been a pioneering airline across the region andaround the world. With a focus on cost management ability, effective operationsand performance, Vietjet offers flying opportunities with cost-saving andflexible fares as well as diversified services to meet customers’ demands.
Vietjet is a fully-fledged member of International Air TransportAssociation (IATA) with the IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) certificate.As Vietnam’s largest private carrier, the airline was awarded the highestranking for safety with 7 stars in 2018 and 2019 by the world’s only safety andproduct rating website airlineratings.com and listed as one of the world's 50 best airlines for healthy financing andoperations by Airfinance Journal in 2018 and 2019. The airline has alsobeen named as Best Low-Cost Carrier by renowned organizations such as Skytrax,CAPA, Airline Ratings, and many others./.