Vietnam ’s speeches and opinionsdelivered at the meeting were highly appreciated by participatingcountries, and focused on four main topics, namely the building of theASEAN community and the implementation of the ASEAN Charter, ASEANCommunity in the global community, regional architecture, andinternational and regional issues.
Deputy PM Khiemstressed that to reach the goal of building the Community in 2015, thebloc should be determined to implement commitments for each year fullyand on time, from 2011 to 2015.
“The associationneeds to speed up the implementation of the Overall Plan on ASEANConnectivity, continue consolidating and strengthening its apparatus andensure the full and effective enforcement of the ASEAN Charter,” hesaid, adding that it should continue intensifying the popularisation ofASEAN and the community building process.
In thatspirit, Vietnam supported an initiative for ASEAN countries to flythe ASEAN flag adjacent to their national flags at diplomatic agencies,starting from ASEAN Day on August 8, 2011.
TheVietnamese representative also proposed measures to further strengthenthe role and contributions of ASEAN on international and regional forumsand issues.
He said that ASEAN should strengthencoordination in both word and deed at international forums andorganisations, including the United Nations, as well as promote the roleof the ASEAN Committee to the UN, international organisations and thirdcountries.
ASEAN needed to continue strengtheningsolidarity, promoting internal strength and giving the highest priorityand resources to the Community building goal, as well as the region’skey issues, expanding the partnership and maintaining the central roleof ASEAN in the evolving regional architecture, he said, adding thatthis was the foundation and inner strength for ASEAN to promote its rolein the international arena.
Vietnam welcomedthe drafting of an Action Declaration on the ASEAN Community in globalcountries by Indonesia as the current ASEAN Chair, which put forwardmany specific measures and actions, Khiem said.
Regarding the regional architecture, the Vietnamese Deputy PM noted thatASEAN should continue efforts to boost the formation of regionalarchitecture through the central role of ASEAN.
Vietnam shared views that the East Asia Summit (EAS) continued to be aforum for regional leaders to engage in dialogue and cooperation onimportant strategic issues relating to peace, security and developmentin the region, he said, adding that ASEAN applauded the expansion andinvitation of Russia and the US to join the EAS.
Regarding other international and regional issues, Khiem stressed thatthe East Asian region was witnessing rapid changes, at both micro andmacro levels.
Together with this trend, ASEAN waschanging comprehensively towards the building of the ASEAN Community in2015 and promoting its key and active role in boosting cooperation forregional peace, stability and development as well as dealing witharising challenges, he said.
Mentioningnon-traditional security challenges, the Vietnamese Deputy PM statedthat the region should further strengthen cooperation to effective copewith challenges on natural disasters, climate change, maritime security,food and energy security, and transnational crime through forums suchas ASEAN+1, ASEAN+3, EAS, ARF and ADMM+.
On theEast Sea issue, he affirmed that peace, stability, maritime securityand safety in the East Sea were a common concern, interest andardent aspiration of the region as well as all countries.
He said that all countries should seriously respect the principles ofthe international law, especially the UN Convention on the Law of theSea (UNCLOS) and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the EastSea (DOC).
Vietnam applauded ASEAN’s effortsto complete the draft guidance on the implementation of the DOC as wellas resume ASEAN-China senior officials’ meetings (SOMs) on theimplementation of the DOC during these ministerial meetings.
He went on to say that ASEAN should further strengthen subregionalcooperation frameworks, including the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS),part of the process of Community building and ASEAN Connectivity.
The GMS should promote its sustainable development, harmoniouslycombine economic development demands with ensuring environmentalsustainability as well as strengthen bilateral and multilateralcooperation on transport infrastructure, trade, investment, service andtourism, Khiem said.
There should be a closecooperation and consensus among relevant countries to ensure theinterests of populations and the sustainable development of allriverside countries, especially those located in the lower section ofthe Mekong River, he added./.