Geneva (VNA) – A Vietnamese delegation, led by AmbassadorLe Thi Tuyet Mai - Permanent Representative ofVietnam to the UN, the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and other internationalorganisations in Geneva, Switzerland – actively engaged in events during thethree-week UN Human Rights Council’s 44th regular session that endedon July 17.
The Vietnamese delegationattended and delivered speeches at nine discussions and meetings, highlightingthe country’s commitments to observing and promoting human rights withpriorities given to vulnerable groups in the society.
Vietnam stressed that protecting child rights is among toppriorities of its policies, and the theme of protection such rights amidstarmed conflicts and post-conflict reconstruction is a priority of the countryas a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council in the 2020-2021 tenure.
The Vietnamese delegationalso affirmed that Vietnam vows to work hard for economic recovery after theCOVID-19 pandemic, thus no one behind.
As the ASEAN Chair in 2020,Vietnam represented the grouping to speak at dialogues on the annual reports of the UN High Commissioner for HumanRights on human rights and impacts of COVID-19pandemic, the human rights situation in the Philippines, as well as annualthematic discussions on climate change and technical cooperation.
The Vietnamese delegationalso actively participated in the building of documents and co-sponsored manyinitiatives in the spirit of dialogue and cooperation, manifesting the consistentpolicy and achievements of both Vietnam and the ASEAN on promoting andprotecting human rights, contributing to the joint efforts in ensuring the UNHuman Rights Council’s operation in line with basic principles of internationallaw.
A thematic discussion on therights of the disabled in the context of climate change was held under a jointinitiative of Vietnam, the Philippines and Bangladesh. The three countries alsoco-authored the council’s annual resolution onclimate change and human rights.
The UN Human Rights Council’s44th regular session comprised 29 meetings, seven discussions, and35 dialogues with the UN HighCommissioner for Human Rights, the Special Representative of the UNSecretary-General, two committees and 22 special rapporteurs on more than 50topics. Participants approved two Universal Periodic Reviews (UPRs).
Among the 23 passedresolutions, there was the resolution on climate change and human rights, focusingon the rights of the elderly, which was introduced by Vietnam, the Philippinesand Bangladesh./.