The agreement was the result of Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh’svisit to Angola from August 7-8, during which he held talks, meetingsand working sessions with many Angolan leaders, including Vice PresidentManuel Vicente, Foreign Minister Georges Rebelo Chicoti, Minister ofOil Jose Maria Botelho de Vasconcelos and Minister of PublicAdministration, Employment and Social Security Antonio Domingos PitraNeto da Costa.
The two sides shared the view that two-way trade,though constantly growing in recent years, is yet to match bilateralpotentials and aspirations. They affirmed to make more efforts tofurther bilateral economic and commercial cooperation.
Inparticular, the two sides agreed to make the most of Vietnam ’sfarming expertise and techniques for application in Angola , helpingthe African country achieve food security.
They also vowed tomaintain technical and labour cooperation, on the basis of theeffectiveness of their expert exchange programme. Noting the potentialof labour cooperation, the two sides agreed to conduct negotiations forthe early signing of a framework agreement on cooperation in socialwelfare, poverty reduction, labour and vocational training.
The Angola side pledged support for Vietnamese citizens living and working in the country.
Foreign Minister Minh took the occasion to reiterate Vietnam’s policyof attaching importance to strengthening relations with Africa, in whichAngola is both a traditional friend and an important partner.-VNA.