Tokyo (VNA) – Deputy Foreign Minister NguyenQuoc Cuong led a Vietnamese delegation to attend the 7th Tokyo InternationalConference on African Development (TICAD), which kicked off in Yokohama city ofJapan on August 28.
The event saw the participation of officials from African countries, Japan and theirpartner countries, and representatives from regional and internationalorganisations, and enterprises.
Themed “Advancing Africa’s Development throughPeople, Technology and Innovation”, the event focused on measures toaccelerating economic transformation and improving business environment inAfrica through innovation and the participation of private sector.
Participants also discussed ways to enhance peace and stability in thecontinent through promoting initiatives built by African countries.
Hundreds of conferences and workshops will be held on the sidelines ofthe TICAD 7, highlighting the important role of the private sector in concretisingsustainable economic growth goals in Africa.
As scheduled, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will announce a programme tosupport Africa in promoting development and expand investment of Japan in thecontinent.
Participants will adopt a joint statement, calling for enhanced investment of theprivate sector to promote growth in the area.
Initiated by Japan from 1993, TICAD aims to promote policy dialogue amongleaders of African countries and their development partners on urgent issues thatthe continent is facing such as economic development and poverty reduction.
The event is jointly organised by the Japanese Government, the UN, the UNDevelopment Programme and the Africa Union Commission (AUC) each five years to2013, and each three years from 2016.-VNA