Vietnam, Australia further work in criminal justice, legal enforcement

Vietnam and Australia have agreed to cooperate in criminal justice and legal enforcement during talks in Canberra capital city on September 14.
Vietnam, Australia further work in criminal justice, legal enforcement ảnh 1Minister of Public Security Tran Dai Quang (right) meets Prime Minister Tony Abbott (Source: VNA)

Vietnam and Australia have agreed to cooperate in criminal justice and legal enforcement during talks between visiting Minister of Public Security Tran Dai Quang and Federal Attorney-General of Australia Senator George Brandis in Canberra capital city on September 14.

Both sides pledged to step up internal legal procedures to approve and expedite an agreement on mutual judicial assistance in criminal matters, and work closely together at multilateral forums and international seminars.

Brandis hailed Quang’s visit as a key milestone in collaboration between Vietnamese and Australian law enforcement agencies, including the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security and the office of the Attorney-General.

Minister Quang expressed his satisfaction with the signing of judicial assistance agreements in respect of criminal matters, creating an important legal framework for the two countries’ law enforcement agencies and ensuring legitimate rights and interests of their organisations and citizens.

Meeting Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott in the capital the same day, Quang wished that the host side would extend seven memoranda of understanding on combating trans-national crime and police cooperation as well as step up negotiations for the signing of a memorandum of understanding on welcoming back Vietnamese illegal immigrants.

The ministry wants the two governments to promptly sign an action plan realising the comprehensive partnership for the 2015-2017, increase mutual consultation at multilateral forums and international seminars, especially in the negotiations for the signing of the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, Quang said.

Abbott emphasised that the visit would deepen the Australia-Vietnam comprehensive partnership in general.

During the stay, Quang also met with Vietnamese embassy staff and told them to work harder for the bilateral ties.-VNA


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