As a country that had experienced decades of war and loss,Vietnam strongly condemns attacks against civilians and essential civilinfrastructure, Giang stressed.
He also emphasised the need for all parties to comply withinternational law, international humanitarian law and relevant resolutions ofthe UN Security Council, cease fire, release hostages immediately, and stop andrestrain acts of violence.
Vietnam calls for urgent humanitarian assistance, especiallywater, food, and medicine, for people in the Gaza Strip, and relevant partiesneed to make efforts to support and create conditions for humanitarian relief operations, he said.
The Vietnamese representative also welcomed and supportedinternational mediation efforts towards a sustainable and fair peace solution, whileemphasising Vietnam's stance to support a two-State solution with EastJerusalem as the capital of the State of Palestine and based on the pre-1967 borders, on thebasis of compliance with international law and relevant UN resolutions.
Giang also called on the UN and the UN Security Council to makeefforts to have a unified and constructive message to help reduce tensions, endconflicts, protect civilians and support the parties to resume dialogue andnegotiations.
On this occasion, the UNGA adopted a Resolution entitled “Protectionof civilians and upholding legal and humanitarian obligations”, which calls foran immediate, durable and sustained humanitarian truce leading to a cessationof hostilities; and demands that all parties immediately and fully comply withtheir obligations under international law, including international humanitarianlaw and international human rights law, particularly in regard to theprotection of civilians and civilian objects, as well as the protection ofhumanitarian personnel, persons hors de combat, and humanitarian facilities andassets, and to enable and facilitate humanitarian access for essential suppliesand services to reach all civilians in need in the Gaza Strip./.