A Vietnamese representative to the UN, World Trade Organisation andother international organisations in Geneva delivered the request atthe UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC)’s special session on the humanrights situation in Syria on April 29.
Therepresentative said the international community and the UNHRC shouldrespect Syria ’s sovereignty and national determination, should notinterfere in its internal affairs, and avoid all actions that canfurther complicate and worsen the situation.
As afriend nation of Syria , Vietnam has closely followed and beenworried about the worsening situation in the African country, therepresentative said, adding that Vietnam would like to extend itscondolences to families whose members were killed in violent riots.
The diplomat also applauded and urged Syria to continue takingreform measures to meet the Syrian people’s legitimate aspirations,especially those aimed at improving their living conditions and ensuringtheir fundamental rights and freedom.
Vietnamexpects the situation in Syria would soon return to normal throughdialogues with the broad participation of the Syrian people and withoutinterference from the outside, the representative said./.