The official made the statement on the occasionof the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer 2018(September 16).
He noted that Vietnam completely eliminated theuse of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), Halon and CTC in 2010 and ended the use of HCFC-141bin Styrofoam production in 2015, thus meeting the requirement of cutting HCFCsconsumption by 10 percent.
The country is working to get rid of other HCFCcompounds in a bid to bring the figure up to 35 percent.
In addition, the use of Methyl Bromide has been bannedin Vietnam since 2015, except for the examination of imported goods in thecountry.
In accordance with the revised version of the MontrealProtocol, developing countries, including Vietnam, will begin to phase out theuse of HFC from 2029 and keep the consumption rate at only 20 percent from2045.
Ho Chi Minh City, as the nation’s leadingeconomic hub with rapid urbanisation rate and population growth, is facingenvironmental challenges and rising GHG emissions.
Meanwhile, awareness of businesses and people onthe issues remain limited, said Nguyen Thanh Thuy from the Vietnam Academy ofSocial Sciences.
Report of the Japan International CooperationAgency (JICA) showed that HCM City released about 38.5 million tonnes of carbondioxide in 2013, or 16 percent of the country, while its population onlyaccounts for nine percent. GHG emissions of the city stand among the world’shighest level.
To control GHG emissions, the city hasencouraged programmes applying clean and environmentally-friendly technologies.
Notably, HCM City signed a cooperation agreementwith Japan’s Osaka city in the 2016-2020 period, along with a memorandum of understandingin 2013 on low carbon city development.
Osaka launched two Joint Crediting Mechanism(JCM) projects providing equipment for HCM City in 2015.
Besides, the city has invested in clean fuelvehicles to reduce emissions in transport, with about 840 vehicles running oncompressed natural gas (CNG).
In 2018, the city will implement the extendedphase of the Project to Support the Planning and Implementation of NAMAs in aMRVable Manner (SPI-NAMA), with the support of JICA.
Furthermore, it will devise projects to lowerGHG emissions in 10 fields of urban planning, energy, transport, industry,water management, waste management, construction, health, agriculture, andtourism.-VNA