Vietnam contributes to increasing ECOSOC’s role

Ambassador Nguyen Phuong Nga, Head of the Vietnam Mission to the UN, has affirmed that Vietnam will positively contribute to intensifying the role of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in implementing sustainable development goals (SDGs).
Ambassador Nguyen Phuong Nga, Head of the Vietnam Mission to the UN, has affirmed that Vietnam will positively contribute to intensifying the role of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in implementing sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Nga attended a plenary session and a high-level political forum on sustainable development as part of the ongoing ECOSOC High-level Segment in New York on July 8 focusing on the transition from millennium development goals (MDGs) to SDGs.

Nga highlighted Vietnam’s achievements in implementing MDGs.

Considering people at the centre of all development policies, Vietnam has reached almost all MDG targets and is transitioning to SDGs.

As such, Vietnam will include international goals in its national development programmes, strategies and policies, especially the National Strategy on Sustainable Development, she added.

She shared that the successful implementation of the new development agenda requires the will and commitment of all nations, particularly the assistance of developed countries for developing ones.

Vietnam also wishes to receive support from other countries to become a member of the ECOSOC in the 2016-2018 tenure.-VNA

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