At the ministry's regular press briefing held online on November 18,Hang reiterated the country’s viewpoint that Vietnam has sufficient legalgrounds and historical evidence to affirm its sovereignty over Hoang Sa (Paracel)and Truong Sa archipelagoes that is in line with international law.
She said any patrol or militaryexercise by Taiwan in the territorial waters around Ba Binh island of Truong Saarchipelago seriously violates Vietnam’s sovereignty over thisarchipelago; threatens peace, stability, safety and security of navigation;causes tensions; and complicates the East Sea situation.
Vietnam resolutely objects to anddemands Taiwan end the above-mentioned activities and not repeat them in thefuture, Hang stressed.
Regarding the report that thePhilippines accused China of blocking its supply ships in the East Sea, thespokeswoman said Vietnam’s stance on the sovereignty over Hoang Sa and TruongSa archipelagoes, as well as the East Sea issue as a whole, is clear andconsistent.
Vietnam calls on the parties concernedto comply with international law and the 1982 United Nations Convention on theLaw of the Sea (UNCLOS) in every activity in the East Sea, and not take any action thatmay complicate the situation so as to help maintain peace, security, stability,and legal order at sea in the region, she added./.