Speaking at the third Saint Petersburg-Vietnam TourismForum, which was held in a hybrid format on May 17 within the framework of"Vietnamese days in Saint Petersburg", Minh said that Vietnam alwayscreates the most favourable conditions for Russian tourists such as offering a 15-dayvisa exemption for those to Vietnam and 30 days for those on direct flights to itsPhu Quoc island.
He also noted that the two countries still have great potentialin tourism cooperation, but have not yet taken advantage of all thepossibilities for development, including attracting more Vietnamese tourists toRussia.
Deputy Director General of the Vietnam NationalAdministration of Tourism Nguyen Le Phuc said that Vietnam has simplified manyprocedures to attract tourists to Vietnam, including those from Russia, such asvisa exemption for different periods, and the gradual simplification or removalof quarantine measures.
Organising the event showed the two sides’ determination topromote tourism after the pandemic, Phuc stated, expressing his belief that thenumber of tourists to each country will increase in the coming time.
Speaking at the event, head of the international cooperation bureau under the FederalAgency for Tourism Demyan Olegovich and Vice Chairwoman of the Saint PetersburgCommittee for Tourism Development Nana Gvichia Magrushevna affirmed that theywill make efforts to meet the needs of Vietnamese tourists, and ensure securityfor them.
The representative from Saint Petersburg stressed the needto restore direct flights, simplify visa procedures for Vietnamese tourists aswell as diversify tourism products../.