HCM City (VNA) - The Vietnam ICTOutlook 2018 (VIO 2018) event is scheduled to take place in Ho Chi Minh City onJuly 25 – 26.
At a press conference on the event held inHCM City on July 17, the organiser said the VIO 2018, themed innovation indigital age, will revolve around discussions and reports about digitisationsolutions for government agencies and enterprises of different sizes, withrelevant experience, advice and success stories put on the table.
Lam Nguyen Hai Long, head of the HCM CityComputer Association – an organiser of the VIO 2018, said along with the speedytechnological development, various new concepts and services have been formed,confusing enterprises in finding suitable solutions at affordable costs.
How to translate ICT knowledge intoapplication for efficient and sustainable business management is a challengefacing many firms, he underscored.
Phi Anh Tuan, deputy head of theassociation, highlighted that the 4.0 Industrial Revolution should not beunderstood as in form of big things, advising enterprises to begin their digitisationfrom small things, but with a vision.
He gave a series of examples, includingdigitising data to minimise the volume of paperwork and make it easier tomonitor the company work.
Besides, the VIO 2018 will also feature a forumon recommendations for ITC policy, and a networking event with 100 businessesand 50 investment funds in the sector.
Participants will also treated toexperiencing advanced technologies like robots, 3D printing, and othersdisplayed by more than 50 leading ITC firms.
The VIO have been organised annually since1995.-VNA