Foreignershave been discovered illegally entering Vietnam by authorities in somelocalities, she said, and these people were tested for COVID-19 and sent toquarantine or given treatment if infected.
They will bepunished under Vietnamese law after their quarantine is completed, Hang added.
She revealedthat Vietnamese authorities have been actively coordinating with their counterpartsin other countries, especially those with which it shares a border, like China,to better manage the border and stop illegal entry and exit.
Thespokesperson noted further that in response to the Prime Minister’s order, theMinistries of National Defence and Public Security and the People’s Committees ofborder provinces have strengthened inspections and surveillance along theborder and examined control over illegal entry and exit, particularly via unmonitoredpaths and trails.
Vietnamwill vigorously punish those breaking immigration rules, according to Hang.
Authoritieshave investigated and strictly dealt with a number of people organising illegalentry into or exit from Vietnam, with cases published in the media, she said./.