Thetalks took place right after a welcome ceremony for the visiting Malaysian PMat the Presidential Palace in Hanoi.
PMPhuc congratulated Malaysia, under the leadership of PM Mohamad, on sustainingits stable growth and global competitiveness, towards the goal of “SharedProsperity 2030”.
Mohamad,for his part, affirmed that Malaysia always attaches importance to strengtheningthe strategic partnership with Vietnam, which it considers a close neighbourand trustworthy partner in the region, especially within the framework of ASEANCommunity.
Bothsides agreed to further facilitate visits at all levels, strengthen cooperationvia the party and National Assembly channels, and make effective use of bilateralcooperation mechanisms.
TheVietnamese PM affirmed that the Communist Party of Vietnam wants to furtherreinforce ties with the ruling Pakatan Harapan(Alliance of Hope) of Malaysia.
Thetwo sides welcomed the exchange of letters between the two legislatures on theestablishment of the Vietnam – Malaysia friendship parliamentarians’ group, andcommitted support for the group in working to raise mutual understanding,making further contributions to ties between the two law-making bodies and thetwo nations.
Theyvowed to early sign an action programme to realise the bilateral strategicpartnership for 2020 – 2025, focusing on boosting economy ties, deepeningstrategic cooperation in national defence and security, and strengthening partnershipin marine cooperation, innovation, science, education and labour.
Theyconsented to promptly launch bilateral defence mechanisms, including ahigh-level committee on defence cooperation and naval consultations, while steppingup the signing of cooperation documents such as an MoU on defence cooperation,MoU on the establishment of joint patrol and hotline at sea, MoU on lawcooperation, agreements on the prevention and control of human trafficking, andthe transfer of sentenced persons.
Hostand guest shared experience in the fight against corruption and agreed to extendties between agencies concerned, considering it one of the pillar fields tobuild a facilitating, transparent and action-minded government.
Theyshared the view that economic, trade and investment relationship has been abright spot in bilateral ties. Two-way trade between the two nations hit 11.5billion USD last year, up over 13 percent annually. Malaysia is the eighthlargest investor in Vietnam with around 600 projects worth over 12 billion USD.
Inorder to raise two-way trade to 15 billion USD, PM Mohamad promised to increaseinvestment in Vietnam in fields using modern technology and with high addedvalue, and back Vietnam’s exports to Malaysia, particularlyagro-forestry-fisheries and Halal products.
Thetwo sides highlighted the significance of collaboration in improving workforcequality and expanding cultural ties and people-to-people exchange. TheMalaysian government will continue ensuring legitimate interests and creatingfavourable conditions for Vietnamese workers living in Malaysia.
Onmarine cooperation, the two PMs promised to share experience in building strategiesfor marine economy, marine science and sea energy. They welcomed the fact thatthe two sides have reached agreement on the content of an MoU on cooperation inlegal enforcement and search and rescue at sea, a step towards the earlysigning of the document.
Theyagreed that two countries will work closely together to address issuesregarding seized fishermen and fishing vessels in a humanitarian spirit and inaccordance with international law.
Asregards regional and global strategic and security issues of shared interest, Mahathiraffirmed that Malaysia strongly supports Vietnam as Chair of ASEAN in 2020 and asa non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council in the 2020 –2021 tenure.
Hesaid Malaysia will coordinate closely with Vietnam to promote the building of anASEAN Community of unity and uphold the bloc’s central role in the regionalarchitecture for the sake of peace, stability, cooperation and developmentbased on rules.
Thetwo PMs agreed that as two neighbours bordering the East Sea with associatedsecurity and interests, Vietnam and Malaysia will closely cooperate with ASEANto ensure peace, stability, security, safety and freedom of navigation andoverflight in the East Sea.
Expressingdeep concerns over the recent developments in the East Sea, they stressed theimportance of settling disputes by peaceful means in accordance withinternational law and the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, with respectfor diplomatic and legal process, refraining from the use of and threat to useforce, avoiding militarisation, fully and seriously implementing theDeclaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) and striving forthe early finalization of an effective and legally-binding Code of Conduct inthe East Sea (COC).
Followingthe talks, the leaders witnessed the signing of a letter of intent on thesigning of an MoU on cooperation in legal enforcement and search and rescue atsea, and the exchange of letters on the establishment of Malaysia – Vietnamfriendship parliamentarians’ group.-VNA