Vietnam, Malaysia hold talks on labour management

Vietnam and Malaysia have discussed employment issues of Vietnamese guest workers in Malaysia as well as their legitimate rights and interests but failed to narrow fully their differences.
Vietnam and Malaysia have discussed employment issues of Vietnamese guest workers in Malaysia as well as their legitimate rights and interests but failed to narrow fully their differences.

The two held the third round of negotiations on two memoranda of understanding on the recruitment of Vietnamese workers in Malaysia in Putrajaya on May 18-19.

Counsellor Nguyen Kim Phuong, Head of the Overseas Labour and Specialists Management Department (OLSMD) under the Embassy of Vietnam in Malaysia, led the Vietnamese delegation, while the Deputy Minister of Human Resources in Malaysia, Wan Zulkfli Wan Setapa, led the host country’s delegation.

Representatives of authorised bodies in labour management, home affairs, immigration and healthcare in the two countries attended the talks.

The negotiators demonstrated efforts to solve the issues existed from previous negotiations and devise documents based on mutually approved content.

Vietnam’s concerns over the difficulties and adversities faced by Vietnamese nationals while working in Malaysia were noted but the two sides have yet reached consensus on a number of points in the issue.

They agreed to hold another round of negotiations in Vietnam in order to finalise the MoUs as soon as possible.

According to OLSMD, up to 60,000 Vietnamese nationals are currently working in Malaysia.-VNA

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