Vietnam News Agency’s television marks fifth anniversary

The State-run Vietnam News Agency’s Television Centre (VNews) hosted a ceremony in Hanoi on August 24 celebrating its fifth founding anniversary (August 25).
 Vietnam News Agency’s television marks fifth anniversary ảnh 1At the ceremony (Source: VNA)

The State-run Vietnam News Agency’s Television Centre (VNews) hosted a ceremony in Hanoi on August 24 celebrating its fifth founding anniversary (August 25).

Addressing the event, President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee Nguyen Thien Nhan expressed his hope that VNews will further improve its broadcast contents in the coming time, especially those regarding the country’s external relations and socio-economic progresses, the Party and State laws and policies.

The Vietnam News Agency (VNA) and Vnews in particular should launch more columns or programmes in foreign languages, thus popularising the images of country and its people to international friends, he said.

On the occasion, he presented a ​flag to Vnews, with content coinciding with its motto “Accurate, Timely, Everywhere, Every time and Humanity”.

In his speech, VNA General Director Nguyen Duc Loi affirmed that the entire staff and officials will do their best to fulfill tasks entrusted by the Party, State and Government, building the VNA into a trustworthy national information centre of the Party and State and a prestigious media corporation in the region.

On August 25, the Prime Minister pressed button to launch the first VNews broadcast. From its humble beginning with over 100 reporters, editors and technicians who worked to broadcast daily news, VNews has so far aired hourly news round the clock, recalled VNews Director Nguyen Thien Thuat.

Thanks to active support by reporters and editors at VNA units and domestic and foreign bureaus, VNews has thus far aired daily news in Vietnamese, English and Chinese, and weekly news in French and Spanish.

As the first political news broadcast station and one of the top 10 television channels in the country, VNews has worked hard to deliver correct and latest official news, reject wrongful information, and meet demands of viewers at home and abroad, he said.

The VNA General Director also took the occasion to present certificates of merit to VNews’ outstanding individuals and collectives.-VNA


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